Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Global Finance Systems Broker Training Review

Global Finance has developed a broker training system that teaches the business owner how to make business loans between $25,000 to $3,000,000 and receive up to 15% commission. It is estimated that some 90% of all companies who apply for a loan will be turned down by this countries financially troubled banks and lending institutions. But there is a tremendous pool of private lenders who have liquid money to lend, but no way of connecting with those who need it.

This is where you, the prospective loan broker, comes in. Global claims they will teach you exactly everything you need to know to run your own home-based finance company. From working part-time to working full-time, they say they will tell you that making a Six-figure income is easily attainable. With a start-up cost of just under 20k, one must understand that this is not a franchise. This is a business opportunity where you will be paying for(and hoping for), Global's ongoing marketing training and support.

Now, the one thing that raises a red flag for me, is their statement that you'll be approved and accredited immediately with premium lenders upon completion of their training course. No waiting the 3 year period most states require in order for one to act as a licensed Loan Broker. But, even if this is truly the case, this business opportunity is still based upon a network marketing platform. The finance company owner, although receiving Global's continued marketing training, must still become proficient in the ever-changing techniques that network marketing and internet marketing require. You must be able to effectively "brand" yourself in order to insure success in these ever-changing and difficult economic times.

Global Finance and their Loan Broker Training System may very well be legit, and be as easy to complete as they profess, but one should definitely perform their due diligence, and research, to see if their claims are true. Whatever the case, this is a NEW age of home-based business entrepreneurship. There IS a new model for success in Business ownership and opportunity that has emerged, creating massive success for individuals every day.

Learn more about the power behind this business model by visiting


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